👾Discord Commands


  • Forward slash quest will be your community's bread and butter to engage. By using this command, users will pull up the list of active quests within your server that they then can interact with and complete.


  • Some friendly competition never hurt anyone! Forward slash leaderboard pulls up the list of top quest-takers within your server, sorted by amount of XP. It also shows your your current level and XP at the bottom!


  • Newbies no-more! Forward slash onboard-me allows newcomers to your server to begin their journey into quests via a module that is separate than community-wide quests. This allows you to ensure all folks complete the necessary steps to be beginning members of your community.

  • From there, folks will get a unique channel that opens for them to complete your set Onboarding Quest. We'll explore Quest Step options in a later section.


  • Forward slash my-level (you guessed it) pulls up a query that shows you information on where you're at in the leveling up process. Easy-as-pie.


  • Last but certainly not least is forward slash my-submissions. This command pulls up all your latest submissions to quests so your community members can keep track of what's in progress, approved or even (gasp!) declined.

Last updated